Enrico Zio

Enrico Zio received the MSc degree in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1991 and in mechanical engineering from UCLA in 1995, and the Ph.D. degree in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano and in probabilistic risk assessment at MIT in 1996 and 1998, respectively. He is currently full professor at the Centre for research on Risk and Crises (CRC) of Mines Paris – PSL University, France, and at the Energy Department of Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and distinguished guest and adjoint professor at various universities around the world. He is also the Scientific Director of Research and Development of the company Datrix AI Solutions. Dr. Zio is an IEEE, PHM Society and Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association fellow, and has received many awards for his research, including the prestigious Humboldt Research Award for his work in Risk and Resilience Assessment, Safety Analysis and Reliability Engineering of complex systems and infrastructures. He has been one of the pioneers in using artificial intelligence (such as neural networks) and genetic algorithms in reliability engineering and risk assessment, solving key problems related to the safety and reliability of critical systems such as those used in the nuclear, oil and gas, transportation industries. He is author and co-author of seven books and more than 600 scientific papers and associate editor of several international journals.

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