Conference Week Overview

Day by Day Program Overview
In progress
Plenary Sessions
In progress
Plenary Speakers
In progress
Enrico Zio
Enrico Zio received the MSc degree in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1991 and in mechanical engineering from […]
Gudela Grote
Gudela Grote is a Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at ETH Zürich. She received her doctorate at the Georgia […]
Terje Aven
Terje Aven has been a Professor in Risk Science at the University of Stavanger, Norway since 1992. Previously he was […]
Robyn Wilson
Robyn Wilson, Ph.D., professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA. Dr. Wilson is […]
Ragnar Lofstedt
Ragnar Lofstedt PhD is a Professor of Risk Management at King’s College London, a position that he has held since […]
Magda Osman
Magda Osman is Head of Research and Analysis, Centre for Science and Policy. She is a cognitive psychologist by training, and […]
Enrique López Droguett
Enrique López Droguett is Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and Director of the Center for Reliability Science […]
Rui Kang
Rui Kang received his bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical engineering in 1987 and 1990 from Beihang University. Now he […]
Henrik Tehler
Since 2015, Henrik Tehler has been serving as a Professor at the Division for Risk Management and Societal Safety at […]
Seth Guikema
Seth Guikema is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering […]
Floris Goerlandt
Floris Goerlandt is Associate Professor in Dalhousie University, Canada, where he holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Risk […]
Pierre-Etienne Labeau
Pierre-Etienne Labeau is Full Professor of nuclear engineering and reliability engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Université libre de […]
Piero Baraldi
Piero Baraldi received the MSc and the PhD degrees in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2002 and 2006, […]
Rui Gaspar
Rui Gaspar has a PhD in Psychology, specialization in Social Psychology from the University of Lisbon. He is an Associate […]
Olga Fink
Olga Fink is an assistant professor leading the Laboratory of Intelligent Maintenance and Operations Systems at EPFL since March 2022. […]
Valerio Cozzani
Valerio Cozzani is Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Bologna, Italy, where he leads the Laboratory of Industrial Safety […]
Jan Hayes
Jan Hayes PhD is a Professor of Organizational Accident Prevention at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. She is a sociologist with […]
Myrto Konstantinidou
Myrto Konstantinidou is a Chemical Engineer with a double degree from National Technical University of Athens and Politecnico di Milano, […]
Lesley Walls
Lesley Walls Ph.D., Professor, Department of Management Science, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland – Lesley is a Professor and Chartered […]
Panels, Roundtables, Special Sessions & Workshops
In progess
PANEL: The Future of Risk Research: Early Career Researcher perspectives
Organizer: George Warren and Sarah Duckett
Contact: George Warren [email protected]
PANEL: Risk and responsibility: What can we learn from managing COVID-19?
Organizer: RESECTOR project group
Contact: Rasmus Dahlberg [email protected]
PANEL: Safety, Reliability, and Security(SRS) of Autonomous Systems
Organizer: The International Workshop on Autonomous System Safety (IWASS)
Contact: Grimstad, Joachim [email protected]
ROUNDTABLE: PHM in Transportation: comparison between aerospace, railways and automotive. Possible synergies?
Organizers: Pierre Dersin & Olga Fink
Contact: Pierre Dersin [email protected]
ROUNDTABLE: Linking Risk and Sustainability through Decision Science
Organizers: Sandra Alday and Anca Hanea
Contact: Anca Hanea [email protected]
ROUNDTABLE: Exploring climate change through four analytical lenses: how securitisation, riskification, climatization and crisification contribute to the academic and political debate on climate security
Organisers: Claudia Morsut and Ole Andreas Engen
Contact: Claudia Morsut [email protected]
ROUNDTABLE: Communicating Risk to Raise Risk Know-How
Organizers: Institute for the Public Understanding of Risk (IPUR), National University of Singapore (Singapore), the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (Cambridge, UK) and Sense About Science (London, UK).
Olivia Jensen, Lara Mani, and Tracey Brown
Contact: Olivia Jensen [email protected]
SPECIAL SESSION: Reliability, Risk and Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems
Organizers: Francesco Di Maio, Yiping Fang and Enrico Zio
Contact: Francesco Di Maio [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events: Impacts on Critical Infrastructure Risk and Resilience
Organizers: Francesco Di Maio, Masoud Naseri and Enrico ZIo
Contact: Masoud Naseri [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) to security attacks
Organizers: Francesco Di Maio, Greta Nasi, Wei Wang and Enrico Zio
Contact: Francesco Di Maio [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Artificial Intelligence, Meta-Modelling, and Advanced Simulation for the Safety Analysis of Nuclear Systems
Organizers: Ibrahim Ahmed, Francesco Di Maio, Nicola Pedroni and Enrico Zio
Contact: Ibrahim Ahmed [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Data-driven Predictive Maintenance- – from sensor measurements to diagnostics/prognostics to maintenance planning
Organizers: Zhiguo Zeng, David Coit, and Mihaela Mitici
Contact: Mitici, M.A. (Mihaela) [email protected]
SPECIAL SESSION: Human- Machine Interaction in Industry 4.0: Ergonomics, Security, and Regulatory Challenges
Organizers: Mario Di Nardo, Maria Chiara Leva and Luigi Monica
Contact: Mario Di Nardo [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Challenges and Advancements Towards Trustful Digital Twins: Uncertainty, Automation, and AI
Organizers: Edoardo Patelli, Massimiliano Vasile, Marco de Angelis, Scott Ferson and Yu Chen
Contact: Yu Chen [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Recent Advancements in Expert Judgment
Organizers: Tina Nane and Anca Hanea
Contact: Tina Nane [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Safety, Reliability, and Security (SRS) of Autonomous Systems
Organizer: The International Workshop on Autonomous System Safety (IWASS)
Contact: Joachim Grimstad [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Advances in Test Planning and Design for Lifetime Testing in Reliability Engineering
Contact: Martin Dazer [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Safety and Health in the Offshore Wind Industry
Contact: Tone Njølstad Slotsvik [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Incremental Rollout of New Technologies in Railway Systems Engineering
Organizers: Arne Lamm, Astrid Rakow and Eike Moehlmann
Contact: Arne Lamm [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Balancing Complexity and Efficiency: Optimal Model Resolution and Network Granularity in Risk Analysis
Organizers: Alessandro Contento, Paolo Gardoni
Contact: Alessandro Contento [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Bayesian Networks Modelling for Reliability and Risk Assessment
Organizers: Michael Beer, Matteo Broggi, Francesco Di Maio, Enrico Zio
Contact: Francesco Di Maio [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Domain Adaptation Methods for Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) and Predictive Maintenance
Organizers: Ibrahim Ahmed, Piero Baraldi, Olga Fink and Enrico Zio
Contact: Ibrahim Ahmed [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Physics-Informed Machine Learning for RAMS
Organizers: Ibrahim Ahmed, Piero Baraldi and Enrico Zio
Contact: Ibrahim Ahmed [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Anticipatory Behavior for Safety in Human-Autonomous Agent Interactions
Contact: Prosper Ameh Kwei-Narh [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Advances in Well Engineering Reliability, Integrity and Risk Management
Organizers: Márcio das Chagas Moura, Isis Didier Lins, Manoel Feliciano Silva, Danilo Colombo
Contact: Marcio Jose Das Chagas Moura [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Risk Analysis and Safety in Machinery
Organizer: Luca Landi, Roberto Gabbrielli, Heinrich Moedden, Fabio Pera
Contact: Luca Landi [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Methodology, tools, and software for dealing with imprecision in risk analysis
Organizers: Matthias Faes, Marcos Valdebenito, Jingwen Song, Pengfei Wei, Steffen Freitag, Edoardo Patelli, Michael Beer, Matteo Broggi, Yu Chen
Contact: Edoardo Patelli [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Natural Language Processing for RAMS applications
Organizers: Piero Baraldi, July Bias Macedo, Marcio Jose das Chagas Moura, Dario Valcamonico and Enrico Zio
Contact: Dario Valcamonico [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Infrastructure and Community Resilience: Preparation, Absorption, Response, and Recovery
Organizers: Omar Kammouh, Nazli Aydin
Contact: Omar Kammouh [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Reinforcement learning for RAMS
Organizers: Adam Abdin, Piero Baraldi, Michele Compare, Luca Pinciroli and Enrico ZIo
Contact: Luca Pinciroli [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAM) Application
Organizers: Joaquín Figueroa, Piero Baraldi and Enrico Zio
Contact: Joaquín Eduardo Figueroa Barraza [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Professional Practice for Improved Safety Decision Making
Organizers: Jan Hayes and Kenneth Pettersen Gould
Contact: Jan Hayes [email protected]
SPECIAL SESSION: Impact Assessment in Resilience Analysis of Energy Systems
Organizers: Luca Podofillini and Matteo Spada
Contact: Spada Matteo (spaa) [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Adapting to Extreme Risks: Safety Strategies for Space and Aviation
Organizers: Mario P. Brito and Stanislav Bukhman
Contact: Mario Brito [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Quantum Methods in Risk and Reliability
Organizers: Enrique López Droguett, Márcio Moura and Isis Didier Lins
Contact: Isis Didier Lins [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Underground hydrogen storage: Understanding risks and ensuring safe and sustainable operations
Organizers: Nadezhda Gotcheva and Hanna Koskinen
Contact: Gotcheva Nadezhda [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Case Studies on Predictive Reliability: an Industrial Perspective
Organizers: Marco Bonato, Alexander Mueller and François Masse
Contact: Marco BONATO [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Hybrid Threats and Risk Governance Between Safety and Security
Organizers: NTNU Social Research, University of Stavanger and SINTEF Digital
Contact: Susanne Therese Hansen [email protected]
SPECIAL SESSION: Collaborative Intelligence and Safety Critical Systems Applications
Organizers: Maria Chiara Leva, Ammar Abbas, Hector Diego Estrada Lugo, John D. Kelleher, Micaela Demichela, Anders Madsen Hugin, Gabriele Giannini, Philip Long and Marko Djapan
Contact: Maria Chiara Leva [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer and submit an abstract.
SPECIAL SESSION: Exploring the role of AI in developing and implementing a risk management framework
Organizers: Petter Johnsen, Sahar Snell and Morten Andreassen
Contact: Sahar Snell [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer.
SPECIAL SESSION: The NASA and DNV Challenge on Optimization Under Uncertainty
Organizers: DNV Group Research and Development: Christian Agrell, Vegard Flovik, Erik Vanem
NASA Langley Research Center: Luis G. Crespo, Sean Kenny
Contact: Christian Agrell [email protected]
WORKSHOP: International Workshop on Energy Transition to Net Zero: Reliability, Risk, and Resilience (ETZE R3)
Organizer: The B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences. Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Contact: Tarannom Parhizkar [email protected]
If interested, contact the Special Session organizer.
Social Program
Conference dinner at Sola Beach Hotel
Wednesday 18th June 18:30 – 23:30
Includes 3 course dinner, 3 units of wine/beer, entertainment
Organized trip to Preikestolen
Sunday 15th June 8:45 – 16:00
Join us on a hike to one of Norway’s most iconic landmarks, Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock). The marked trail will take us through diverse nature and landscapes, and includes several sections of natural stone stairways. The hike covers 4 km with a 330-meter elevation gain, leading up to the breathtaking viewpoint of Lysefjorden and its surrounding mountains 604 meters above the fjord. The hike typically takes between 2 and 3 hours, excluding breaks.
Departure from Stavanger bus station at 8.45 am. Return to Stavanger bus station at 4 pm.
Further details, including logistics and what to bring, will be provided closer to the event. For any questions, please contact [email protected]