Robyn Wilson, Ph.D., professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA. Dr. Wilson is a behavioral decision scientist studying individual decisions under risk. She is also interested in the development of strategic communication efforts, as well as the design of decision support tools that assist individuals in making more informed choices. Her current research focus is on adaptation to climate-exacerbated hazards, and what motivates and constrains different land use and land management decisions on private and public lands. She is a former President of the Society for Risk Analysis, former member of the National Academies Board on Environmental Change and Society, former member of the US EPA Chartered Science Advisory Board, and former member of the Resilient America Roundtable. She is a current member of the US EPA Board of Scientific Counselors, and the Associate Director of Research and Graduate Education in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. from The Ohio State University and her B.A. in Environmental Studies from Denison University.