Magda Osman

Magda Osman is Head of Research and Analysis, Centre for Science and Policy. She is a cognitive psychologist by training, and also has a position at Leeds Business School, as a Professor of Policy Impact, Leeds Business School, and part of the Public Policy Forum. Her specialisms are in risk analysis (risk assessment, risk management and risk communication), judgment, decision-making (risk and uncertainty), human agency and control. She has expertise in decision/behavioural sciences which is used to investigate the translations of science to policy, behavioural change interventions (monitoring and evaluation), models of complex decision-making, the status of knowledge, and public understanding of science. Her applied research focuses on improved decision-making in clinical practice, risk assessment in crime/psychiatric units, food safety, and human computer interaction with smart systems/products. She has published three academic books, and authored over 150 articles in management, economics, philosophy, linguistics, engineering, computer science, cognitive science as well as in psychology journals.

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