Floris Goerlandt

Floris Goerlandt is Associate Professor in Dalhousie University, Canada, where he holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Risk Management and Resource Optimization for Marine Industries. He received a degree of Doctor of Science (Tech.) from Aalto University, Finland, and has Master of Science degrees from Ghent University and Antwerp University, Belgium. He primarily works on applied risk research, developing methods and techniques to support risk analysis, management, and governance of maritime activities. He currently works on navigation safety risks of shipping in the Canadian Arctic, maritime Search and Rescue, remote pilotage, and risk management in seaports. Furthermore, he has a keen interest in basic risk science, particularly in the validity and effectiveness of risk analysis methods, and in uncertainty treatment. Dr. Goerlandt serves on the Editorial Board of the Safety Science and Transportation Safety and Environment journals. He contributes to the activities of the Working Group on Waterway Risk Management of the International Association for Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities and is board member of the Canadian Maritime Shipping Risk Forum community of practice. He strives to promote academic insights into risk analysis, management, and governance practices in maritime industrial and policy contexts.

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