Pierre-Etienne Labeau is Full Professor of nuclear engineering and reliability engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, where he received his PhD degree in 1996. His main initial research interest was in the development of dynamic reliability methodologies and of high-efficiency Monte Carlo simulation schemes for the identification of low-probable sequences. This was first applied to the probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) of nuclear power plants, then adapted to the identification of cascade outages in blackout PSA for power systems. His research activities have covered various topics of reliability and risk analysis for nuclear reactors and power systems, like e.g. resilience modeling and assessment, maintenance efficiency, risk perception and acceptance, active network management… He has been serving in various scientific committees, from research centers to the Belgian Federal Agency for Nuclear Control. He is currently involved in reactor physics and safety issues in the R&D on lead-cooled fast small modular reactors, together with the Belgian nuclear research center SCK CEN.