Jean-Christophe Le Coze is a research director (Ph.D., Mines de Paris) at INERIS, the French national institute for environmental safety. His activities combine ethnographic studies and action research in various safety-critical systems (e.g., chemical, gas, nuclear industries), with an empirical, theoretical, historical, visual and epistemological orientation. He has authored and edited several books (e.g., Safety in the digital age, 2023; Post Normal Accident, 2021; Safety Science Research, 2020) and published numerous articles (e.g., NASA, SpaceX, (post) bureaucracy and safety, 2024: Coupling and Complexity at the global scale. Flows, Networks, Interconnectedness and Synchronicity (e.g., Covid-19), 2023; The new view of human error. Origins, ambiguities, controversies and successes, 2022). He is an Associate Editor of the journal Safety Science.