Marja Ylönen

Marja Ylönen is Doctor of Social Sciences and working currently as Associate Professor in Risk Management and Societal Safety at the University of Stavanger, Norway. Previously, she worked as Senior Scientist on safety and risk topics at the Technical Research Centre of Finland. She has worked with safety critical organizations, such as the nuclear industry and chemical industry, and with the regulators of these industries. She is the current President of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe, (SRA-E) and former Councillor of the Society for Risk Analysis, US-based scientific association. Her research interests include safety, security and risks topics both from theoretical and applied perspectives. Her publications cover topics like A framework for understanding risk based on the concepts of ontology and epistemology; Integrated management of safety and security (IMSS) in the nuclear industry – organizational culture perspective; Integrated management of safety and security in Seveso sites – Sociotechnical perspectives; Risk interpretation of sociotechnical perspectives; An overall safety concept for nuclear power plants, and How the risk science can help us to establish a good safety culture.

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