Terje Aven has been a Professor in Risk Science at the University of Stavanger, Norway since 1992. Previously he was also Professor (adjunct) in Risk Analysis at the University of Oslo and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He has many years of experience as a risk analyst in industry and as a consultant. He is the author of many books and papers in the field, covering both fundamental issues as well as practical risk analysis methods. He has led several large research programmes in the risk area, with strong international participation. He has developed many master programmes in the field and has lectured on many courses in risk analysis and risk management. Aven is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Risk and Reliability, and Area Editor of Risk analysis in Policy. He has served as President of the international Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) and Chairman of the European Safety and Reliability Association (ESRA) (2014-2018)